(+34) 91.4316795

About RM&AS

Rodríguez Molnar & Asociados has become a well known corporate and environmental law firm in Spain, with a sound reputation due to its high level of specialization. We are basically active in four main fields: (1) foreign investments, (2) international and corporate work in general; (3) Environmental Law; and (4) Intellectual and Industrial Property Law.

Legal Help
Legal Help

Our translations team has many years of expertise in producing translations of legal documents drafted in English into Spanish and viceversa.

Our attorneys​
Héctor Rodríguez Molnar
Name Partner

Héctor Rodríguez Molnar

Hector Rodríguez Molnar is the name partner of the firm, heading the Corporate, Finance and Environmental Practices of the Firm.
Juan José Fernández Paino
Litigation Counsel

Juan José Fernández Paino

Juan José Fernández Paino is a Litigator, Member of the Madrid Bar Association since 1980.
Juan Sánchez-Casas Padilla

Juan Sánchez-Casas Padilla

Mr. Juan Sánchez-Casas Padilla is a geologist, specialized in Environmental Impact Studies and a number of related areas.
Legal Services

Contact us

Contact us by filling this form. Please provide as much information as possible on your queries to allow us to make a more thorough initial reply. We will answer your message as soon as possible.

The core of our activities is located at our Madrid office, at avenida reina Victoria, a downtown location, in the Moncloa district, a well located area close to the Treasury Office and other Public offices.


Avenida Reina Victoria 58 - Esc. 1, 1ºA 28003 – Madrid ESPAÑA


(+34) 91.4316795
